
PY1 & ML1: Introduction to Python & Machine Learning Program

Basic Programming

Weeks: 2

Lectures: 5

Applications closed

CSR Comptuer Science Research

Research Mentorship

Weeks: 3

Lectures: 5

Applications closed

ITCP1: Introduction to Competitive Programming

Competitive Programming

Weeks: 3

Lectures: 6

Applications closed

CS1: Fundamentals of Computer Science

Basic Programming

Weeks: 4

Lectures: 10

Applications closed

Computer Science Research

Research Mentorship

Weeks: 5

Lectures: 5

Applications closed

2023 Summer Programs

Students: 88

Countries: U.S., India, Mongolia, Egypt, Philippines, Bangladesh, Canada, Indonesia, Tanzania

  • CS1: Intro to Python and Programming, which included basic Python, Graphics, APIs, and Machine Learning taught by high school students
  • ITCP1: Intro to Competitive Programming, which was a competitive programming C++ course taught by Paul Ingram, a Computer Science Major at RCC (Riverside City College)
  • CSR: Computer Science Research, which featured different professors from around the nation to discuss their research (Professors from UCLA, UCR, Purdue University, North Hennepin Community College)

20 students from the CS1 class published their project through The Science Times!